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books on pragmatism, 1941-1989

Abel, Reuben. The Pragmatic Humanism of F. C. S. Schiller. New York: King's Crown Press, 1955.

Alcaro, Mario. Filosofie democratiche: scienza e potere nel pensiero di J. Dewey, B. Russell, K. Popper. Bari, Italy: Ed. Dedalo, 1986.

Alexander, Thomas M. John Dewey's Theory of Art, Experience, and Nature: The Horizons of Feeling. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987.

Allen, Gay Wilson. William James, a Biography. New York: Viking Press, 1967.

Almeder, Robert F. The Philosophy of Charles S. Peirce: A Critical Introduction. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1980.

Ames, Adelbert. The Morning Notes of Adelbert Ames, Jr., including a correspondence with John Dewey, ed. Hadley Cantril. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1960.

Ames, Edward Scribner. Beyond Theology: The Autobiography of Edward Scribner Ames, ed. Van Meter Ames. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959.

Ames, Van Meter. Zen and American Thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1962. Contents: 1. America and zen. 2. The pursuit of happiness. 3. From Hume to Paine to revolution. 4. Jefferson and freedom. 5. Emerson: American bodhisattva. 6. Thoreau: Taoist in America. 7. Whitman on democracy and death. 8. The elder Henry James and equality. 9. William James in quest of the self. 10. Peirce and the use of signs. 11. Royce and the absolute. 12. Santayana and detachment. 13. Dewey and zen. 14. China and Chicago. 15. Mead: no self is separate.

Anderson, Douglas. Creativity and the Philosophy of C. S. Peirce. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1987. Contents: Introduction -- Scientific Creativity -- Art and Science -- Creative Evolution -- Artistic Creativity as Creative Evolution -- Final Description.

Apel, Karl-Otto. Theorie der Schule in einer demokratischen Industriegesellschaft: Rekonstruktion des Zusammenhangs von Erziehung, Gesellschaft und Politik bei John Dewey. Dusseldorf, Germany: Padagogischer Verlag, 1974.

Apel, Karl-Otto. Transformation der Philosophie. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1973. Translated as Towards a Transformation of Philosophy (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980).

Apel, Karl-Otto. Der Denkweg von Charles S. Peirce: Eine Einfuhrung in den amerikanischen Pragmatismus. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1975.

Apel, Karl-Otto. Charles S. Peirce: From Pragmatism to Pragmaticism. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1981.

Aune, Bruce. Rationalism, Empiricism, and Pragmatism: An Introduction. New York: Random House, 1970. Reprinted, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995.

Ayer, A. J. The Origins of Pragmatism: Studies in the Philosophies of Charles Sanders Peirce and William James. San Francisco: Freeman, Cooper, 1968.

Ayim, Maryann. Peirce's View of the Roles of Reason and Instinct in Scientific Inquiry. Meerut, India: Anu Prakashan, 1982.

Baker, Melvin C. Foundations of Dewey's Educational Theory. New York: King's Crown Press, 1955.

Baldwin, John D. George Herbert Mead: A Unifying Theory for Sociology. Newbury Park, Cal.: Sage Publications, 1986.

Banerjee, Gour Mohan. The theory of democratic education; a critical exposition of John Dewey's philosophy of education. Calcutta: New Book Stall, 1958.

Barzun, Jacques. A Stroll with William James. New York: Harper and Row, 1983.

Bastien, Hermas. Philosophies et philosophes américains. Montral: Frères des écoles Chrétiennes, 1959.

Battistella, Ernesto H. Pragmatismo y semiótica en Charles S. Peirce. Caracas: Ediciones de la Biblioteca, Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1983.

Bayles, Ernest B. Pragmatism in Education. New York: Harper and Row, 1966.

Baynes, Kenneth, James Bohman, and Thomas McCarthy, ed. After Philosophy: End or Transformation? Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1987. Contents: Pragmatism and philosophy / Richard Rorty -- The postmodern condition / Jean-François Lyotard -- Questions of method: an interview with Michel Foucault / Michel Foucault -- The ends of man / Jacques Derrida -- The method of truth in metaphysics / Donald Davidson -- Can analytical philosophy be systematic, and ought it to be? / Michael Dummett -- Why reason can't be naturalized / Hilary Putnam -- The problem pf philosophical foundations in light of a transcendental pragmatics of language / Karl-Otto Apel -- Philosophy as stand-in and interpreter / Jürgen Habermas -- Hermeneutics as practical philosophy / Hans-Georg Gadamer -- On interpretation / Paul Ricoeur -- Relativism, power, and philosophy ; The relationship of philosophy to history: postscript to the second edition of After Virtue / Alasdair MacIntyre -- An anthropological approach to the contemporary significance of rhetoric / Hans Blumberg -- Overcoming epistemology / Charles Taylor.

Beardsley, Monroe C. Aesthetics: Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1958.

Beardsley, Monroe C. The Aesthetic Point of View: Selected Essays, ed. Michael J. Wreen and Donald M. Callen. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1982.

Benne, Kenneth Dean, and William O. Stanley, ed. Essays for John Dewey's Ninetieth Birthday. Urbana: Bureau of Research and Service, College of Education, University of Illinois, 1950. Contents: Editor's preface.--Introduction: Greetings to the Urbana conference, by J. Dewey.--On celebrating John Dewey's birthday, by K. D. Benne.--Dewey's place in the classic period of American philosophy, by M. H. Fisch.--Dewey's theory of language with some implications for educational theory, by A. S. Clayton.--The problem of verification in formal school learning, by F. McMurray.--Educational foundations of social planning, by H. S. Fries.--John Dewey and adult education, by K. D. Benne.--Dewey's philosophy as a program for action, by Sing-nan-fen.--Closing remarks, by L. Molinaro.

Bentley, Arthur F. Inquiry into Inquiries: Essays in Social Theory. Edited by Sidney Ratner. Boston: Beacon Press, 1954.

Bernstein, Richard, ed. Perspectives on Peirce: Critical Essays on Charles Sanders Peirce. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1965. Reprinted, Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1980.

Bernstein, Richard J. John Dewey. New York: Washington Square Press, 1966.

Bernstein, Richard J. Praxis and Action: Contemporary Philosophies of Human Activity. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1971. Contents: Introduction -- Praxis: Marx and the Hegelian background -- Consciousness, existence, and action: Kierkegaard and Sartre -- Action, conduct, and inquiry: Peirce and Dewey -- The concept of action: analytic philosophy.

Bernstein, Richard J. Beyond Objectivism and Relativism: Science, Hermeneutics, and Praxis. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983. Contents: Preface -- Beyond objectivism and relativism, an overview -- Science, rationality, and incommensurability -- From hermeneutics to praxis -- Praxis, practical discourse, and judgment -- Appendix: A letter by Professor Hans-Georg Gadamer.

Bertilsson, Margareta. Towards a social reconstruction of science theory: Peirce's theory of inquiry, and beyond. Lund, Sweden: Lunds Universitet, 1978.

Bird, Graham. William James. London and New York: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986. Contents: Introduction -- Pragmatic method -- The theory of truth -- Extended truth -- Radical empiricism -- Pure experience -- Philosophical psychology -- Voluntarily adopted faiths -- Pragmatism and systematic philosophy.

Bjork, Daniel W. William James: The Center of His Vision. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988. Reprinted, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1997. Contents: Repent of the past -- A hungry eye -- Detached and slightly disenchanted -- Who made God? -- The original seat of the Garden of Eden -- The antinomian root -- Tragical marriage -- Creating the realm of consciousness -- A wandering piece of property -- Charting the realm of consciousness -- The professional coil -- Solidly established -- Conquering the realm of consciousness -- God help thee, old man -- Give me a world already created.

Blau, Joseph. Men and Movements in American Philosophy. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1952. Contents: Prelude. 1: Colonial Materialism and Immaterialism. 2: The American Enlightenment. 3: Philosophical Orthodoxy. 4: New England's Wild Oats. 5: The Biologizing of Philosophy. 6: Varieties of Idealism. 7: Pragmatic Perspectives. 8: Cross Currents of Realism. 9: The Emergence of Naturalism.

Blewett, John Edward, ed. John Dewey: His Thought and Influence. New York: Fordham University Press, 1960.

Blumer, Harold. Symbolic Interactionism: Perspective and Method. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1969.

Boisvert, Raymond D. Dewey's Metaphysics. New York: Fordham University Press, 1988. Contents: Introduction -- Change and permanence in Dewey's idealistic period -- Darwin, change, and the transition to experimentalism -- Change and permanence in the experimental logic -- Dewey's objections to traditional doctrines -- Metaphysics and evolutionary philosophy -- Dewey's reconstruction of traditional metaphysics -- Logical forms -- Conclusion.

Boggs, Grace Lee. George Herbert Mead: Philosopher of the Social Individual. New York: King's Crown Press, 1945.

Bogolomov, A. S. Ideja razvitija v burzuaznoj filosofii XIX i XX vekov. Mosow: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1962.

Bogolomov, A. S. Anglo-amerikanskaia burzhuaznaia filosofiya epokhi imperializma. Moskow: Mysl', 1964.

Bogolomov, A. S. Burzhuaznaya filosofiya SShA XX veka. Moskow: Mysl', 1974.

Boler, John. Charles Peirce and Scholastic Realism: A Study of Peirce's Relation to John Duns Scotus. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1963.

Boler, Paul F. Freedom and Fate in American Thought: From Edwards to Dewey. Dallas, Texas: SMU Press, 1978.

Bosco, Nynfa. La filosofia pragmatica di Ch. S. Peirce. Torino, Italy: Edizioni de "Filosofia", 1959.

Boydston, Jo Ann, ed. Guide to the Works of John Dewey. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1970. Contents: Dewey's psychology / Herbert W. Schneider -- Dewey's philosophy and philosophic method / Lewis E. Hahn -- Dewey's logic and theory of knowledge / Gail Kennedy -- Dewey's ethics: pt. 1. / Herbert W. Schneider, pt. 2. / Darnell Rucker -- Dewey's social, political, and legal philosophy / Wayne A.R. Leys -- Dewey's theory of art / Bertram Morris -- Dewey's theory of valuation / S. Morris Eames -- Dewey's philosophy of religion / Horace L. Friess -- Dewey's social and political commentary / William W. Brickman -- Dewey on education and schooling / George E. Axtelle and Joe R. Burnett -- Dewey's critical and historical studies / Max H. Fisch -- Dewey's lectures and influences in China / Ou Tsuin-Chen.

Brennan, Bernard P. William James. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1968.

Brickman, William W., and Stanley Lehrer, ed. John Dewey: Master Educator. New York: Society for the Advancement of Education, 1959. Expanded edition, 1961.

Browning, Don S. Pluralism and Personality: William James and Some Contemporary Cultures of Psychology. Lewisburg, Penn.: Bucknell University Press, 1980. Contents: Preface. 1: Pluralism, Change and the Strenuous Life. 2: Ways of Knowing Man. 3. Meaning and Mind: Phenomenology and Functionalism. 4: Triumph of the Empirical Self. 5: Modernity and Passivity. 6: Will, Freedom, and Care. 7: Instincts and the Culture of Detachment. 8: Habit and the Culture of Control. 9: Body, Reason, and the Culture of Joy. 10: Ethics and the Strenuous Life. 11: Mysticism, Saintliness, and the Strenuous Life. Bibliography.

Buczynska-Garewicz, Hanna. Peirce. Warsaw: Wiedza Powszechna, 1965.

Buczynska-Garewicz, Hanna. Wartosc i fact: Rozwazania o pragmatizmie. Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1970.

Buczynska-Garewicz, Hanna. James. Warsaw: Wiedza Powszechna, 1973.

Bullert, Gary. The Politics of John Dewey. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1983.

Bunge, Robert. An American Urphilosophie: An American Philosophy, BP (before pragmatism). Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1984.

Burkhardt, Frederick, ed. The Cleavage in Our Culture: Studies in Scientific Humanism in honor of Max Otto. Boston: Beacon Press, 1952.

Buswell, James Oliver, Jr. The Philosophies of F. R. Tennant and John Dewey. New York: Philosophical Library, 1950.

Butler, J. Donald. Four Philosophies (naturalism, idealism, realism, pragmatism) and their practice in education and religion. New York: Harper, 1951. 2nd edn, Four Philosophies and their practice in education and religion (New York: Harper, 1957). 3rd edn. (New York: Harper, 1968).

Cahn, Steven M., ed. New Studies in the Philosophy of John Dewey. Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New England, 1977. Contents: John Dewey's social philosophy / Charles Frankel -- Dewey's metaphysics / Richard Rorty -- John Dewey and the theory of aesthetic practice / Mortimer R. Kadish -- The relevance of Dewey's epistemology / Joseph Margolis -- John Dewey and the truth about ethics / James Rachels -- The school and society: reflections on John Dewey's philosophy of education / Frederick A. Olafson.

Calcaterra, Rosa. Interpretare l'Esperienza: Scienza, Metafisica, Etica nella Filosofia di Ch S. Peirce. Rome: Ianua, 1989.

Calvet de Magalhães, Theresa. Signe ou symbole: introduction à la théorie sémiotique de C. S. Peirce. Louvain-La-Neuve. Belgium: Cabay, 1981.

Campbell, Harry M. John Dewey. New York: Twayne, 1971.

Caws, Peter, ed. Two Centuries of Philosophy in America. London: Blackwell; Totowa, N.J.: Rowman and Littlefield, 1980.

Chambliss, J. J. Educational Theory as a Theory of Conduct: From Aristotle to Dewey. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987.

Cheng, Chung-Ying. Peirce's and Lewis's Theories of Induction. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1969.

Childs, John L. Education and the Philosophy of Experimentalism. New York and London: The Century Co., 1931. Reprinted, New York: Arno Press, 1971.

Childs, John  L. Education and Morals: An Experimentalist Philosophy of Education. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1950.

Childs, John L. American Pragmatism and Education: An Interpretation and Criticism. New York: Henry Holt, 1956.

Churchman, C. West. Theory of Experimental Inference. New York: Macmillan, 1948.

Churchman, C. West. Prediction and Optimal Decision: Philosophical Issues of a Science of Values. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1961.

Churchman, C. West. Challenge to Reason. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968.

Churchman, C. West. The Systems Approach. New York: Delacorte Press, 1968. 2nd edn., 1979.

Clark, Gordon Haddon. William James. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1963; Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1963.

Clarke, David S. Practical Inferences. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985.

Clarke, David S. Rational Acceptance and Purpose: An Outline of a Pragmatist Epistemology. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1989.

Clayton, A Stafford, ed. John Dewey in Perspective: Three Papers in honor of John Dewey. Bloomington, Ind.: Division of Research and Field Services, Indiana University, 1960.

Clendenning, John. The Life and Thought of Josiah Royce. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985. Revised edn., Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University Press, 1999.

Cohen, Morris R. American Thought: A Critical Sketch. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1954.

Colapietro, Vincent. Peirce's Approach to the Self: A Semiotic Perspective on Human Subjectivity. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989. Contents: Is Peirce's theory of signs truly general? -- Semiosis and subjectivity -- The relevance of Peirce's semiotics to psychology -- Peirce's account of the self: a developmental perspective -- Inwardness and autonomy.

Commager, Henry Steele. The American Mind: An Interpretation of American Thought and Character since the 1880's. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1950.

Compton, Charles H. William James, Philosopher and Man: Quotations and References in 652 Books. New York: The Scarecrow Press, 1957.

Conkin, Paul K. Puritans and Pragmatists: Eight Eminent American Thinkers. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1968. Contents: The Puritan prelude -- Jonathan Edwards -- Benjamin Franklin: science and morals -- John Adams: politics -- Ralph Waldo Emerson: poet-priest -- Charles S. Pierce -- William James -- John Dewey -- George Santayana -- A reading guide.

Cornforth, Maurice. In defence of philosophy against positivism and pragmatism. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1950.

Corrington, Robert S., Carl Hausman, and Thomas Seebohm, ed. Pragmatism considers Phenomenology. Lanham, Md.: Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, 1987. From publisher: This work brings together the reflections of a number of important thinkers who are concerned with rearticulating the complex interconnections between classical American pragmatism and Continental phenomenology. Thinkers as diverse as James, Mead, Dewey, Royce, Peirce, and Buchler are contrasted with Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Schutz, Gadamer, and Habermas.

Corti, Walter Robert, ed. The Philosophy of George Herbert Mead. Amriswil, Switzerland: Amriswiler Bücherei, 1973. Contents: Introduction / W. R. Corti -- George Herbert Mead: Biographical Notes / David Miller -- No Separate Self / Van Meter Ames -- Mead's Conception of Time / Elizabeth Eames -- Presence - Dasein / Herbert Schneider -- Mead's Theory of Universals / David Miller -- Mead's Formulation of the Disposition Theory of Meaning / Peter List -- Mead and the Pragmatic Conception of Truth / S. Morris Eames -- The Moral Standard of George H. Mead / Darnell Rucker -- Mead's Ethical Theory / John Broyer -- Mead and European Philosophers - Husserl, Sartre, Buber / Van Meter Ames -- One Dimensional Man and Mind, Self and Society / Hans Geyer -- Some Comments on George Herbert Mead's Philosophy / Mohammed Fahdel Jamali -- Bibliography.

Corti, Walter Robert, ed. The Philosophy of William James. Hamburg: Meiner, 1976. Contents: Preface / S. Morris Eames -- William James and the Open Universe / Van Meter Ames / William James and the Specious Present / David L. Miller -- A Metaphysics of Relations: James's Anticipation of Contemporary Experience / John McDermott -- A Critical Appraisal of James's View of Causality / Edward Madden and Peter Hare -- A Pragmatic Concept of Causation / Elisabeth Eames -- Percept and Concept in William James / Keith David -- On William James' "Radical Empiricism" / Gustav Emil Mueller -- The Meaning of Truth in William James / S. Morris Eames -- The Unity of Knowledge and Purpose in James' View of Action / Elisabeth Flower -- The Self in William James' Psychology / Felicia Czerwionka -- James and the Problem of Intersubjectivity / George Cronk -- Notes on the Search for a Moral Philosophy in William James / Abraham Edel -- William James' Theory of Education / John Broyer -- William James and Contemporary Religious Thought: The Problem of Evil / John K Roth -- Eight Spotlights on "The Will to Believe" by William James / Hans F. Geyer -- William James and his father: A Study in Characterology / Gerard Deledalle --  The Relation between James and Whitehead / Victor Lowe -- An Appreciation of William James / Mohammed Fahdel Jamali -- Healthy Minds with Sick Souls / Herbert Schneider -- Nachwort / Walter Robert Corti -- Bibliography.

Coughlan, Neil. Young John Dewey. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975.

Crabb, Cecil Van Meter. American Diplomacy and the Pragmatic Tradition. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1989.

Cremin, Lawrence A. The Transformation of the School: Progressivism in American Education, 1876-1957. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1961.

Cronk, George. The Philosophical Anthropology of George Herbert Mead. New York: Peter Lang, 1987.

Crosser, Paul K. The Nihilism of John Dewey. New York: Philosophical Library, 1955.

Curti, Merle. The Growth of American Thought. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1943.

Curti, Merle. Human Nature in American Thought. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1980.

Dal Pra, Mario, ed. Il pensiero di John Dewey. Milan, Italy: Bocca, 1952. Contents: contributions by N. Abbagnano, A. Banfi, L. Borghi, et al.

Damico, Alfonso J. Individuality and Community: The Social and Political Thought of John Dewey. Gainesville: University of Presses of Florida, 1978.

Davis, Elwood Craig, ed. Philosophies fashion physical education; pragmatism, idealism, realism, aritomism, existentialism. Dubuque, Iowa: W. C. Brown Co., 1963.

Davis, William H. Peirce's Epistemology. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1972.

Dean, William. American Religious Empiricism. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986. Contents: Introduction: The context of American religious empiricism -- An empirical interpretation: an American theology -- An historicist interpretation: the deconstruction and reconstruction of religious knowledge -- A pragmatic interpretation: the tragedy of the liberals -- An Aesthetic interpretation: the elusive "it" -- A formal interpretation: the fate of an American theology.

Dearborn, Mary V. Love in the Promised Land: The Story of Anzia Yezierska and John Dewey. New York: Free Press, 1988.

Deegan, Mary Jo. Jane Addams and the Men of the Chicago School. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1988.

De George, Richard T., ed. Semiotic Themes. Lawrence: University of Kansas Publications, 1981. Contents: W. Keith Percival: Ferdinand de Saussure and the history of semiotics -- Arthur Skidmore: Peirce and semiotics: an introduction to Peirce's theory of signs -- John K. Sheriff: Charles S. Peirce and the semiotics of literature -- Jonathan Culler: The semiotics of poetry: two approaches -- Louis Oldani: Literary language and postmodern theories of semiotics -- Andrew A. Tadie and James P. Mesa: A problem of audience: a semiotical approach to the deistic elements in The siege of Rhodes -- G. Douglas Atkins: The sign as a structure of difference: Derridean deconstruction and some of its implications -- Leon Satterfield: Toward a poetics of the ironic sign -- Tzvetan Todorov: Bakhtin's theory of utterance -- Thomas Sebeok: Prefigurements of art -- Rudolf Jander: General semiotics and biosemiotics -- F. Allan Hanson and Louis Hanson: The cybernetics of cultural communication.

Deledalle, Gérard. Histoire de la philosophie américaine. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1954.

Deledalle, Gérard. La pédagogie de John Dewey: philosophie de la continuité. Paris: Editions du Scarabée, 1965.

Deledalle, Gérard. L'idée d'experience dans la philosophie de John Dewey. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1967.

Deledalle, Gérard. Theorie et Practique du Signe: Introduction a la Semiotique de Charles Peirce. Paris: Payot, 1979.

Deledalle, Gérard. Charles S. Peirce: Phenomenologue et Semioticien. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1987.

Deledalle, Gérard. La Philosophie Américaine. Brussells: De Boeck Université, 1987.

Deledalle, Gérard, ed. Semiotics and Pragmatics: Proceedings of the Perpignan Symposium. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 1989. Contents: Présentation / Gérard Deledalle -- Individual intentionality and social phenomena in the theory of speech acts / John R. Searle -- Linguistic meaning and intentionality: the compatibility of the "linguistic turn" and the "pragmatic turn" of meaning-theory within the framework of a transcendental semiotics / Karl-Otto Apel -- Observations épistémologiques / A.J. Greimas -- De quelques conditions semiotiques de l'interaction / Eric Landowski -- La pragmatique du dialogue référential de Francis Jacques / Francoise Armengaud -- Pragmatique et pragmatisme chez C.S. Pierce / Christiane Chauviré -- The characteristics of Karl Bühler's pragmatically integrated theory of signs / Achim Eschbach -- On methodology in Searle's theory of speech acts / G. Gutterer -- Peirce's sixty-six signs revisited / A. Jappy -- Some remarks concerning the theory of speech acts and the idea of "pragmatics" / Christian Stetter -- Socialité du sens et production de l'individu par lui-même / J.F. Bernard-Béchariès -- Eléments pour une sémiotique des évidences / Alain Berrendonner -- Pragmatique et abduction / Massimo A. Bonfantini -- Véridiction et réalité / J.C. Coquet -- L'homme-signe et la conscience de soi / J. Crombie -- Rythme du discours, rythme de la pensée / Paolo Facchi -- La sémiosis didactique: savoir, savoir-faire, savior-être / M. Grenier-Francoeur -- Du sens commun comme catastrophe / Claude Gandelman -- Interprétation vs. production: une perspective peircienne / Robert Marty -- Empreinte pragmatiste, attitude pragmatique et sémiotique intégrée / Herman Parrei -- Dénoter et connaître: deux fonctions qui ne peuvent pas être confundues / Armando Plebe -- Subjectivité et sujet objectivé dans l'énonciation / Henri Portine -- Pragmatic principles of references / J.O. Urmson -- La portée pragmatique de la déduction naturelle / Bill Winder -- L'analyse pragmatique des récrits littéraires / P. Bange -- Stratégies sémiotiques et banques d'images / C. Baryla -- Phanéroscopies du film / Werner Burzlaff -- Eléments de pragmatique iconique: Giotto à Assise / M. Constantini -- Les racines sémiotiques de la valeur micro-esthétique / Pietro Emanuele -- Le statut pragmatique du texte de fiction / Louise Francoeur -- Sémiotique et ergonomie d'un système documentaire-image interactif / H. Hudrisier -- Le canon de la Méduse: analyse d'un cas de lecture / Jean Pierre Kaminker -- Le discours aphasique / Jean Luc Nespoulous et André Roch Lecours -- Conditions de l'approche semiotique du texte litteraire / Joelle Rethore -- Pragmatique et analyse litteraire: vers la definition d'un modele semiotique / Pascal Robert.

De Tienne, Andre. La phenomenologie de Charles S. Peirce. Brussells: Ed. OUSIA, 1989.

Dewey, John, and Arthur F. Bentley. Knowing and the Known. Boston: Beacon, 1949.

Dicker, Georges. Dewey's Theory of Knowing. Philadelphia: Philosophical Monographs, 1976.

Dobrosielski, Marian. Filozoficzny pragmatyzm C.S. Peirce'a. Warsaw: Panstw. Wydawn. Naukowe, 1967.

Dooley, Patrick K. Pragmatism and Humanism: The Philosophy of William James. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1974.

Durkheim, émile. Pragmatisme et sociologie. Lectures given at the Sorbonne during the academic year 1913-1914, from 9 December 1913 to 12 May 1914. Edited with a preface by Armand Cuvillier (Paris: J. Vrin, 1955). Translated by J. C. Whitehouse as Pragmatism and Sociology, edited and introduced by John B. Allcock (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1983).

Dykhuizen, George. The Life and Mind of John Dewey. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press 1973.

Eames, S. Morris. Pragmatic Naturalism: An Introduction. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1977.

Edie, James. William James and Phenomenology. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987.

Edman, Irwin. John Dewey: His Contribution to the American Tradition. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1955. Contents: Foreword. Chronology and Selected Bibliography. 1: Introduction. 2. Reconstruction in Philosophy. 3. Philosophy as Education. 4. Human Nature and Conduct. 5. Intelligence and Inquiry. 6. The Human Uses Of Freedom. 7. The Religion of Shared Experience. 8. Democracy as a Moral Ideal.

Eisele, Carolyn, ed. Historical Perspectives on Peirce's Logic of Science: A History of Science, 2 vols. Berlin: Mouton, 1985.

Eisendrath, Craig R. The Unifying Moment: The Psychological Philosophy of William James and Alfred North Whitehead. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971.

Esposito, Joseph L. Evolutionary Metaphysics: The Development of Peirce's Theory of Categories. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1980.

Fabbrichesi Leo, Rossella. Sulle tracce del segno: semiotica, faneroscopia e cosmologia nel pensiero di Charles S. Peirce. Florence, Italy: La nuova Italia, 1986.

Fann, Kuang Tih. Peirce's Theory of Abduction. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1970.

Feibleman, James. An Introduction to Peirce's Philosophy interpreted as a System. New York: Harper, 1946. Reprinted, London: Allen and Unwin, 1960. Reprinted as An Introduction to the Philosophy of Charles S. Peirce interpreted as a system. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1970.

Fisch, Max Harold, ed. Classic American philosophers: Peirce, James, Royce, Santayana, Dewey, Whitehead; selections from their writings. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1951. 2nd edn., New York: Fordham University Press, 1996.

Fisch, Max Harold. Peirce, Semiotic, and Pragmatism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986. Contents:  Charles Sanders Peirce (1939) -- Justice Holmes, the prediction theory of law, and pragmatism (1942) -- Evolution in American philosophy (1947) -- Peirce at the Johns Hopkins University (1952) -- Alexander Bain and the genealogy of pragmatism (1954) -- Some general characteristics of American philosophy (1960) -- Chronicle of pragmaticism, 1865-1879 (1965) -- Philosophical clubs in Cambridge and Boston (1964-65) -- Peirce's triadic logic (1966) -- Peirce's progress from nominalism toward realism (1967) -- Vico and pragmatism (1969) -- Peirce's Arisbe: the Greek influence in his later philosophy (1971) -- Peirce and Leibniz (1972) -- Hegel and Peirce (1974) -- American pragmatismbefore and after 1898 (1977) -- Peirce's place in American thought (1977) -- Peirce's general theory of signs (1978) -- Just how general is Peirce's general theory of signs? (1983) -- "Proof" of pragmatism (1981) -- Peirce's place in American life (1982) -- Range of Peirce's relevance (1983).

Fitzgerald, John Joseph. Peirce Peirce's theory of signs as foundations for pragmatism. The Hague, Mouton, 1966.

Fleckenstein, Norbert J. A Critique of John Dewey's theory of nature and the knowledge of reality in light of the principles of Thomism. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 1954.

Flower, Elizabeth, and Murray G. Murphey. A History of Philosophy in America. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1977.

Flugel, J. C. A Hundred Years of Psychology, 1833-1933. New York: Basic Books, 1964.

Fontinell, Eugene. Toward a Reconstruction of Religion: A Philosophical Probe. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1970.

Fontinell, Eugene. Self, God, and Immortality: A Jamesian Investigation. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986.

Foxe, Arthur N. The common sense from Heraclitus to Peirce: the sources, substance, and possibilities of the common sense. New York: Tunbridge Press, 1962.

Frankel, Charles, ed. The Golden Age of American Philosophy. New York: George Braziller, 1960. Contents: Introduction by Frankel. Selections of writings by Chauncey Wright, Charles Peirce, William James, Josiah Royce, George Santayana, John Dewey, Ralph Barton Perry, C. I. Lewis, and Morris Cohen.

Frankena, William K. Three Historical Philosophies of Education: Aristotle, Kant, Dewey. Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1965.

Frankenberry, Nancy. Religion and Radical Empiricism. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987. Contents: Chapter 1: Experiences, justification, and theism -- Chapter 2: Shaking the foundations of empiricism -- Chapter 3: Radical empiricism in religious perspective -- Chapter 4: Radical empiricism: a theistic interpretation -- Chapter 5: Radical empiricism in metaphysical perspective.

Freeman, Eugene, ed. The Relevance of Charles Peirce. La Salle, Ill.: Hegeler Institute, 1983.

Fried, Lilian May. Social pragmatism, a study in the pragmatic approach to problems of conduct. London, Watts, 1948.

Gagarin, A. P. Pragmatizm SShA, ego proiskhozhdenie, sotsialnye i teoreticheskie korni, reaktsionnaia i antinauchnaia sushchnost; kriticheskie zametki. Moscow: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1963.

Gallie, W. B. Peirce and Pragmatism. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin, 1952.

Gavin, William J., ed. Context over Foundation: Dewey and Marx. Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1988.

Geiger, George R. John Dewey in Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press, 1958.

Gibson, James J. The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1979. Reprinted, Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1986.

Gogoberishvili, V. G. Filosoftya Pragmatizma. Tbilisi, Georgia: 1966.

Gouinlock, James. John Dewey's Philosophy of Value. New York: Humanities Press, 1972.

Gouinlock, James. Excellence in Public Discourse: John Stuart Mill, John Dewey, and Social Intelligence. New York: Teachers College Press, 1986.

Greenlee, Donald. Peirce's Concept of Sign. The Hague: Mouton, 1973.

Guccione Monroy, Antonio. Peirce ed il pragmatismo americano. Palermo, Italy: Palumbo, 1959.

Gureev, A. V. Kriticheskii analiz pragmatistskoi estetiki D. D'yui. Moskow: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1983.

Gutzke, Manford George. John Dewey's Thought and Its Implications for Christian Education. New York: King's Crown Press, 1956.

Haas, William Paul. The Conception of Law and the Unity of Peirce's Philosophy. Notre Dame, Ind., University of Notre Dame Press; Fribourg, Switzerland, University Press, 1964.

Habermas, Jurgen. Knowledge and Human Interests. Boston: Beacon Press, 1972.

Habermas, Jurgen. Theory and Practice. Boston: Beacon Press, 1988.

Hacking, Ian. Representing and Intervening. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Contents: Introduction: rationality. 1. What is scientific realism? 2. Building and causing. 3. Positivism. 4. Pragmatism. 5. Incommensurability. 6. Reference. 7. Internal realism. 8. A surrogate for truth. 9. Experiment. 10. Observation. 11. Microscopes. 12. Speculation, calculation, models, approximations. 13. The creation of phenomena. 14. Measurement. 15. Baconian topics. 16. Experimentation and scientific realism.

Haley, Michael C. The Semeiosis of Poetic Metaphor. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988.

Halton, Eugene. Meaning and Modernity: Social Theory in the Pragmatic Attitude. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986.

Handlin, Oscar. John Dewey's Challenge to Education: Historical Perspectives on the Cultural Context. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1959.

Handy, Rollo. Value Theory and the Behavioral Sciences. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1969.

Handy, Rollo, and E. C. Harwood. Useful Procedures of Inquiry. Great Barrington, Mass.: Behavioral Research Council, 1973.

Handy, Rollo, and E. C. Harwood. A Current Appraisal of the Behavioral Sciences. Great Barrington, Mass.: Behavioral Research Council, 1973.

Hardwick, Charles S. Semiotic and Significs: The Correspondence between Charles S. Peirce and Victoria Lady Welby. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1977.

Hart, Hendrick. Communal Certainty and Authorized Truth: An Examination of John Dewey's Philosophy of Verification. Amsterdam: Swets and Zeitlinger, 1966.

Hartshorne, Charles. Beyond Humanism. Chicago: Willett, Clarke and Co., 1937.

Hartshorne, Charles. Creativity in American Philosophy. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1984. Contents: 1. From colonial beginnings to philosophical greatness -- 2. Jonathan Edwards on God and causality -- 3. Some early American critics of determinism: Samuel Johnson, Ethan Allen, a noble unitarian -- 4. Emerson's secularized Calvinism and Thoreau's approach to anarchism -- 5. James's empirical pragmatism -- 6. Royce's mistakes and achievements -- 7. A revision of Peirce's categories -- 8. The down-to-earth activism of John Dewey -- 9. Whitehead's revolutionary concept of prehension -- 10. Santayana's skeptical eclecticism -- 11. Mead's social psychology and philosophy of the present -- 12. Hocking and Perry on idealism -- 13. Lewis on memory, modality, and the given -- 14. Cohen and Sheldon on polarity -- 15. Blanshard's necessitarianism -- 16. Brightman's theory of the given and idea of God -- 17. Pepper and McKeon on philosophical systems -- 18. Montague's animistic materialism and promethean religion -- 19. Weiss's phenomenology of religion -- 20. Adler's neo-aristotelianism -- 21. Roy and Wilfrid Sellars on quality and structure -- 22. Quine, philosophical logician -- 23. Tillich's philosophical theology -- 24. Rorty's pragmatism and farewell to the age of faith and enlightenment -- 25. Neville on creation and Buchler on natural complexes -- 26. Nozick's indecisive dialectic and the meaning of life -- 27. Conclusion.

Heidbreder, Edna. Seven Psychologies. New York: Century, 1933.

Helm, Bertrand P. Time and Reality in American Philosophy. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1985. Contents: Peirce and the Prevalence of Time -- James on the Plurality of Times -- Royce Eternity and Time -- Santayana and the Temporal Compulsion -- Dewey and the Temporalizing of Time -- Whitehead and Temporal Extension -- Whitehead and the Epochs of Time -- Epilogue.

Hendel, Charles William, ed. John Dewey and the Experimental Spirit in Philosophy. New York: Liberal Arts Press, 1959. Contents: Four lectures delivered at Yale University commemorating the 100th anniversary of the birth of John Dewey. New empiricism and philosophical tradition / C. W. Hendel -- Education as as social process / Nathaniel Lawrence -- Knowledge, value, and freedom / Richard Bernstein -- John Dewey: philosopher of experience / John E. Smith.

Hendley, Brian Patrick. Dewey, Russell, Whitehead: Philosophers as Educators. Carbondale: Southern University Press, 1986.

Hill, Thomas E. Contemporary Theories of Knowledge. New York: Ronald Press, 1961.

Hocking, William Ernest. Types of Philosophy. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1929. 2nd edn., 1939. 3rd edn., 1959.

Hofstadter, Richard. Social Darwinism in American Thought. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1944. 2nd edn., Boston: Beacon Press, 1955. Reprinted, New York: George Braziller, 1959. Reprinted, Boston: Beacon Press, 1992.

Hollinger, Robert. Hermeneutics and Praxis. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1985.

Hook, Sidney, ed. John Dewey: Philosopher of Science and Freedom. New York: Dial Press, 1950. Contents: John Dewey and the spirit of pragmatism, by H. M. Kallen.--Dewey and art, by I. Edman.--Instrumentalism and the history of philosophy, by G. Boas.--Culture and personality, by L. K. Frank.--Social inquiry and social doctrine, by H. L. Friess.--Dewey's theories of legal reasoning and valuation, by E. W. Patterson.--Dewey's contribution to historical theory, by S. Ratner.--John Dewey and education, by J. L. Childs.--Dewey's revision of Jefferson, by M. R. Konvitz.--Laity and prelacy in American democracy, by H. W. Schneider.--Organized labor and the Dewey philosophy, by M. Starr.--The desirable and emotive in Dewey's ethics, by S. Hook.--John Dewey's theory of inquiry, by F. Kaufmann.--Dewey's theory of natural science, by E. Nagel.--Concerning a certain Deweyan conception of metaphysics, by A. Hoftstadter.--Dewey's theory of language and meaning, by P. D. Wienpahl.--Language, rules and behavior, by W. Sellars.--The analytic and the synthetic; an untenalbe dualism, by M. G. White.--John Dewey and Karl Marx, by J. Cork,--Dewey in Mexico, by J. T. Farrell.--A selected bibliography of publications by John Dewey--Some publications about John Dewey.

Hook, Sidney. Pragmatism and the Tragic Sense of Life. New York: Basic Books, 1974.

Hookway, Christopher. Peirce. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985.

Hoopes, James. Consciousness in New England: From Puritanism and Ideas to Psychoanalysis and Semiotic. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.

Horkheimer, Max. Eclipse of Reason. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947.

Horowitz, Irving Louis, ed. Power, Politics, and People: The Collected Essays of C. Wright Mills. New York: Oxford University Press, 1963.

Horowitz, Irving Louis. C. Wright Mills: An American Utopian. New York: Free Press, 1983.

Horowitz, Irving Louis, and H. S. Thayer, ed. Ethics, Science, and Democracy: The Philosophy of Abraham Edel. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1987. Contents:

Howlett, Charles F. Troubled Philosopher: John Dewey and the Struggle for World Peace. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1977.

Hullfish, Henry Gordon. Toward a Democratic Education. Columbus: College of Education, Ohi State University, 1960.

Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism, ed. Studies in Peirce's Semiotic: A Symposium. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism, 1979.

Jaffe, Raymond. The Pragmatic Conception of Justice. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1960.

Joas, Hans. Praktische Intersubjektivität: d. Entwicklung d. Werkes von George Herbert Mead. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1980. Translated as G. H. Mead: A Contemporary Re-examination of his Thought. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985.

Johann, Robert O. The Pragmatic Meaning of God. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1966.

Johnson, Allison Heartz, ed. The Wit and Wisdom of John Dewey. Boston: Beacon Press, 1949.

Kandel, Isaac Leon. The Cult of Uncertainty. New York: Macmillan, 1943.

Kaplan, Abraham. The Conduct of Inquiry: Methodology for Behavioral Science. Scranton, Penn.: Chandler Publishing, 1964.

Karimsky, Anyur M. Filosofiya Amerikanskogo Naturalizma. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1972.

Keenan, Barry. The Dewey Experiment in China: Educational Reform and Political Power in the Early Republic. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1977.

Kellogg, Frederic Rogers, ed. The Formative Essays of Justice Holmes: The Making of an American Legal Philosophy. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984.

Kempski, Jürgen von. Charles Sanders Peirce und der Pragmatismus. Stuttgart, Germany: W. Kohlhammer, 1952.

Kennedy, Gail, ed. Pragmatism and American Culture. Boston: D. C. Heath, 1950.

Kennedy, Gail, and Milton R. Konvitz, ed. American Pragmatists: Selected Writings. New York: Meridian Books; 1960.

Kent, Beverley E. Charles S. Peirce: Logic and the Classification of the Sciences. Kingston, Ontario: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1987.

Kestenbaum, Victor. The Phenomenological Sense of John Dewey: Habit and Meaning. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1977.

Ketner, Kenneth L., ed. Proceedings of the C. S. Peirce Bicentennial International Congress. Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech Press, 1981. Contents: Introduction -- Peirce as Scientist, Mathematician Historian, Logician, and Philosopher / Max Fisch -- The Idea of Object of Knowledge in Peirce's Theory of Signs / Hanna Buczynska-Garewicz -- Theory, Practice, and Peircean Pragmatism / Maryann Ayim -- Peirce as an Interesting Failure? / K. L. Ketner -- Remarks on Peirce's Term 'Icon' / Ozseb Horanyi -- Peirce on Progress and Meaning / Bruce Altshuler -- Is It Possible to Apply the Concept "Interpretant" to Diverging Fields Uniformly? / Christoph Hubig -- Peirce's Notion of Firstness and French Phenomenology / L. Edward Allemand -- Berkeley and Peirce / Charles Hardwick -- Realism and Semiosis / Thomas Olshewsky -- Peirce on Continuity and His Critique of Cantor and Dedekind / Joseph Dauben -- Peirce and Cassirer / John Krois -- C. S. Peirce on Type and Token Probability / William Young -- Peirce-sued / Richard Miller -- Toward a More Rational Community / Richard Bernstein -- Peirce's Three Categories Regained / Doede Nauta, Jr. -- Speculative Grammar / Christian Kloesel -- Peirce on Continuity / Vincent Potter and Paul Shields -- Translational Meaning and Articulational Meaning / Douglas Greenlee -- C. S. Peirce: Pragmatism, Semiotic Structure, and Lived Experience / Sandra Rosenthal -- Mathematical Exactitude in C S Peirce's Doctrine of Exact Philosophy / Carolyn Eisele -- On an Alleged Incompatibility between Peirce's Metaphysics and His Pragmaticism / Edward Moore -- Peirce's Analysis of Meaning / Umberto Eco -- The School Class and the Problem of Fixing Belief / Warren Brown -- Semiotic Causation / Joseph Ransdell -- Peirce-semantics for Modal Logics / Charles Morgan -- Peirce on Persons / Stanley Harrison -- On Actions and the Semantics of Natural Language / F. J. Vandamme -- "Man Is a Sign": Peirce and heidegger / Konstantin Kolenda -- On a Connection between Peirce's Theory of Perception and His Theory of Indexical Identification / Helmut Pape -- Roots and Ramifications: Peirce's Social Thought / Elvira Tarr -- Peirce on Realism, Reality, and Existence / Dan Nesher -- C. S. Peirce and Absolute Truth / Tibor Machan -- Peirce and Hegel on Absolute Meaning / Gary Shapiro -- Peirce and Eastern Thought / Donald Bishop -- Peirce and Eastern Thought -- Peirce on Hypothesis and Abduction / Paul Thagard -- On the Relation of Peirce's "Universal Categories" to Hegel's "Stages of Thought" / Martin Suhr -- Peirce and Searle on Assertion / Jarrett Brock -- C. S. Peirce on Speech Acts / Ekkehard Martens -- Peirce on the Foundations of Knowledge / Richard Robin -- Peirce's Proof of Pragmaticism and His Existential Graphs / Don Roberts -- Peirce's Evolutionism and His Logic / H. William Davenport -- Peirce's Interpretant from the Perspective of Linguistic Theory / Michael Shapiro -- Peirce's Semiotic Theory of Emotion / David Savan -- Peirce Contra Aristotle / Klaus Oehler -- Peirce's Early Speculations on the Categories / Joseph Esposito -- Are Recurring Questions Serious? / Humphrey Palmer -- "My Language Is the Sum Total of Myself Extension": A Timed Interpretation / Matthew Fairbanks -- Extension und Comprehension Bei Peirce Und Bolzano / Albert Menne -- The Integrating Function of the Sign in Peirce's Semiotic / Mikai Nadin -- Charles Peirce's Contribution to Religious Thought / David Pfeifer -- Toward a Pragmatic Foundation of Linguistic Categories / Hans Schneider -- Peirce's and Frege's Systems of Notation / Benjamin Hawkins -- Peircean Semiotic in Hungary / Vilmos Voigt -- Die Zeichenklassen Und Realitatsthematiken / Max Bense -- Appendix.

Ketner, Kenneth Laine, et al. A Comprehensive Bibliography and index of the published works of Charles Sanders Peirce with a bibliography of secondary studies. Bowling Green, Ohio: Philosophy Documentation Center, 1986.

Kevelson, Roberta. Charles S. Peirce's Method of Methods. Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, 1987.

Kilpatrick, William Heard. John Dewey and His Contributions to American Philosophy. New Britain, Conn.: Teachers College of Connecticut, 1949.

Kilpatrick, William Heard. Philosophy of Education. New York: Macmillan, 1951.

Kloppenberg, James T. Uncertain Victory: Social Democracy and Progressivism in European and American Social Thought, 1870-1920. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.

Knight, Thomas S. Charles Peirce. New York: Washington Square Press, 1958.

Konvitz, Milton R., ed., The Legacy of Horace M. Kallen. Cranbury, N.J.: Associated University Presses, 1987.

Krikorian, Yervant Hovhannes, ed. Naturalism and the Human Spirit. New York: Columbia University Press, 1944. Contents: Antinaturalism in extremis / by John Dewey -- Naturalism and religion / by S.P. Lamprecht -- Naturalism and democracy / by Sidney Hook --Naturalism and ethical theory / by Abraham Edel -- A natural history of the aesthetic transaction / by Eliseo Vivas -- The unnatural / by H.W. Schneider --The history of philosophy / by George Boas -- The materials of historical knowledge / by E.W. Strong -- Naturalism and the sociological analysis of knowledge / by Thelma Z. Lavine -- Logic without ontology / by Ernest Nagel -- A naturalistic view of mind / by Y.H. Krikorian -- The categories of naturalism / by W.R. Dennes -- The naturalism of Frederick Woodbridge / by H.T. Costello --Naturalism in America / by H.A. Larrabee -- Epilogue: The nature of naturalism / by J.H. Randall, Jr.

Kuklick, Bruce. The Rise of American Philosophy. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977.

Kuklick, Bruce. Churchmen and Philosophers: From Jonathan Edwards to John Dewey. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985.

Kumari, Kamala. Notion of Truth in Buddhism and Pragmatism. Delhi: Capital Pub. House, 1987.

Kursanov, G. A. Gnoseologija sovremennogo pragmatizma. Moscow: Izd. Socia'no-ekonomiceskoj Literatury, 1958.

Kurtz, Paul. Decision and the Condition of Man. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1965.

Kurtz, Paul. The Humanist Alternative. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books; London: Pemberton Books, 1973.

Kurtz, Paul. The Fullness of Life. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books; New York: Horizon Books, 1974.

Kurtz, Paul. Exuberance: An Affirmative Philosophy of Life. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1977.

Kurtz, Paul. In Defense of Secular Humanism. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1983.

Kurtz, Paul. The Transcendental Temptation: A Critique of Religion and the Paranormal. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1986.

Kurtz, Paul. Forbidden Fruit: The Ethics of Humanism. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1987. Reprinted (2008).

Kurtz, Paul. Eupraxophy: Living Without Religion. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1989. Reprinted as Living without Religion (1994).

Kurtz, Paul, ed. American Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: A Sourcebook from Pragmatism to Philosophical Analysis. New York: Macmillan, 1968.

Kurtz, Paul, ed. Sidney Hook: Philosopher of Democracy and Humanism. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1983. Contents: Preface: The impact of Sidney Hook in the twentieth century. Sidney Hook the man. Sidney Hook : philosopher of the moral-critical intelligence / Milton R. Konvitz -- Sidney Hook: a personal portrait / Nicholas Capaldi -- Life with Sidney: a memoir / Irving Kristol -- Marxism, socialism, and communism. The socialist obsession / Antony G.N. Flew -- Socialism in America / Seymour Martin Lipset -- The death of the Rosenbergs / Nathan Glazer -- Hooked on freedom and science / Marvin Zimmerman -- The radical intellectual and American foreign policy: the Vietnam experience / David S. Lichtenstein -- Education. On liberalism and liberal education / David Sidorsky -- Academic freedom and academic obligations: with some thoughts on departmental autonomy, permanent tenure, and the academic appointment of revolutionaries / Edward Shils -- A free university in a free society / Paul Seabury -- A sculptor in snow / Stephen M. Cahn -- Issues in ethics, humanism, and human nature. The ethics of secular humanism / Paul Kurtz -- Rescuing equality / John Bunzel -- Is human life itself a value? / Marvin Kohl -- Freedom and civilization / Ernest Nagel -- Natural law / Ernest van den Haag -- The genetic fallacy re-examined / Lewis S. Feuer -- Pragmatism. The pragmatism of metaphysics / Daniel Bell -- Pragmatism without method / Richard Rorty -- Ontology, formalism, and pragmatism / Jack Kaminsky -- A glance at experience / Ralph Ross -- Hook's "Pragmatism and the tragic sense of life" / Lee Nisbet -- A complete bibliography of Sidney Hook / compiled by Jo-Ann Boydston, Kathleen Poulos.

Johnson, Mark, and George Lakoff. Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980. 2nd edn., 2003.

Lafferty, Theodore T. Nature and Values: Pragmatic Essays in Metaphysics. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1976.

Laidler, Harry Wellington. John Dewey at Ninety. New York: League for Industrial Democracy, 1950. Contents: Addresses and greetings on the occasion of Dr. Dewey's ninetieth birthday dinner October 20, 1949 at the Hotel Commodore, New York.

Lasch, Christopher. The New Radicalism in America: 1889-1963. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965.

Laudan, Larry. Progress and Its Problems: Toward a Theory of Scientific Growth. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977.

Laudan, Larry. Science and Values: The Aims of Science and their Role in Scientific Debate. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977.

Lawson, Douglas E., and Arthur E. Lean, ed. John Dewey and the World View. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1964.

Lee, Harold N. Percepts, Concepts, and Theoretic Knowledge. A Study in Epistemology. Memphis, Tenn.: Memphis State University Press, 1973.

Lenk, Hans. Pragmatische Philosophie: Plädoyers und Beispiele für eine praxisnahe Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie. Hamburg, Germany: Hoffmann und Campe, 1975.

Lepley, Ray, ed. Value: A Cooperative Inquiry. New York: Columbia University Press 1949. Contents: Essays: reflections on Dewey's questions about value / by H.D. Aiken -- The value economy / by C.E. Ayres -- The field of "value" / by J. Dewey -- Instrinsic good: its definition and referent / by A.C. Garnett -- Values and inquiry / by G.R. Geiger -- A contextualist looks at values / by L.E. Hahn -- On value / by B.E. Jessup -- Methodology of value theory / by H.N. Lee -- Sequel on value / by R. Lepley -- Values, valuing, and evaluation / by E.T. Mitchell -- Axiology as the science of preferential behavior / by C. Morris -- Discussion of John Dewey's "Some questions about value" / by D.H. Parker -- Observations on value from an analysis of a simple appetition / by S.C. Pepper -- Science, humanism, and the good / by P.B. Rice -- Criticisms and rejoinders.

Levinson, Henry Samuel. The Religious Investigations of William James. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1981.

Levinson, Stephen C. Pragmatics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Levitt, Morton. Freud and Dewey on the Nature of Man. New York: Philosophical Library, 1960.

Lewis, C. I. Mind and the World-Order: Outline of a Theory of Knowledge. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1929. Reprinted, New York: Dover, 1956. Reprinted, 1990.

Lewis, C. I. An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1946.

Lewis, C. I. The Ground and the Nature of the Right. New York: Columbia University Press, 1955.

Lewis, C. I. Our Social Inheritance. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1957.

Lewis, C. I. Values and Imperatives: Studies in Ethics, ed. John Lange. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1969.

Lewis, C. I. Collected Papers of Clarence Irving Lewis, ed. John Goheen and John Mothershead, Jr. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press, 1970.

Lewis, J. David, and Richard L. Smith. American Sociology and Pragmatism: Mead, Chicago Sociology, and Symbolic Interaction. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.

Lieb, Irwin. The Four Faces of Man: A Philosophical Study of Practice, Reason, Art and Religion. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1971.

Linhart, Josef. Americky pragmatismus: rozbor krise burzoasniho mysleni. Prague: Melantrich, 1949. Trans. into Russian by Yuri Melvil as Amerikanskii pragmatizm. Moscow: Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry, 1954.

Llamzon, Benjamin S. Reason, Experience and the Moral Life: Ethical Absolutism and Relativism in Kant and Dewey. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1978.

Locke, Alain. The Philosophy of Alain Locke: Harlem Renaissance and Beyond, ed. Leonard Harris. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989.

Lockwood, Michael. Peirce's Pragmatism: An Introduction to His Philosophy. Bombay: Blackie, 1981.

Lovejoy, Arthur O. The Thirteen Pragmatisms and Other Essays. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1968.

Lübbe, Hermann. Philosophie nach der Aufklärung: von der Notwendigkeit pragmatischer Vernunft. Düsseldorf and Vienna: Econ Verlag, 1980.

Mack, Robert Donald. The Appeal to Immediate Experience: Philosophic Method in Bradley, Whitehead, and Dewey. New York: King's Crown Press, 1945.

MacKinnon, Barbara, ed. American Philosophy: A Historical Anthology. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1985.

Macquarrie, John. Twentieth-century Religious Thought: The Frontiers of Philosophy and Theology, 1900-1960. New York: Harper & Row; London: SCM Press, 1963. Contents: Part XI is "Pragmatism and Allied Views", pp. 169-192.

Madden, Edward H. The Philosophical Writings of Chauncey Wright: Representative Selections. New York, Liberal Arts Press, 1958.

Madden, Edward H. Chauncey Wright and the Foundations of Pragmatism. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1963.

Mahowald, Mary. An Idealistic Pragmatism: The Development of the Pragmatic Element in the Philosophy of Josiah Royce. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1972.

Marcell, David W. Progress and Pragmatism: James, Dewey, Beard, and the American Idea of Progress. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1974. Contents: Preface. 1. Formalism, Degradation, and Pragmatism. 2. The Heritage of Progress. 3. The Evolutionary Dialogue. 4. William James: Experience and Meliorism. 5. John Dewey: The Experimentalist Criterion. 6. Charles Beard: Civilization in America. 7. Progress, Experience, and History. Selected Bibliography.

Marcuse, Ludwig. Amerikanische Philosophieren. Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959.

Margolis, Joseph. Values and Conduct. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971.

Margolis, Joseph. Culture and Cultural Entities. Dordrecht: D. Reidel, 1984.

Margolis, Joseph. Science without Unity: Reconciling the Natural and the Human Sciences. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987.

Margolis, Joseph. Pragmatism Without Foundations: Reconciling Realism and Relativism. Oxford: Blackwell, 1986. Reprinted, London and New York: Continuum, 2007. Contents: Introduction -- The nature and strategies of relativism -- Historicism and universalism -- Objectivism and relativism -- Rationality and realism -- Realism and relativism -- The legitimation of realism -- Pragmatism without foundations -- A sense of rapprochement between analytic and continental European philosophy -- Cognitive issues in the realist-idealist dispute -- Skepticism, foundationalism, and pragmatism -- Scientific realism as a transcendental issue -- Epilogue: Pragmatism's new options: classic foundations and contemporary solutions.

Margolis, Joseph. Texts without Referents: Reconciling Science and Narrative. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1989.

Marshall, James D. Positivism or Pragmatism: Philosophy of Education in New Zealand. Auckland: New Zealand Association for Research in Education, 1987.

Martin, Richard Milton. Logic, Language, and Metaphysics. New York: New York University Press, 1971.

Martin, Richard Milton. Peirce's Logic of Relations and other studies. Lisse, Netherlands: Peter De Ridder Press, 1979. Dordrecht, Holland and Cinnaminson, N.J.: Foris Publications, 1980.

Martland, Thomas Randolphe. The Metaphysics of William James and John Dewey: Process and Structure in Philosophy and Religion. New York: Philosophical Library, 1963.

Mathur, Dinesh Chandra. Naturalistic Philosophies of Experience: Studies in James, Dewey, and Farber against the background of Husserl's Phenomenology. St. Louis: Warren H. Green, 1971.

Matthews, Fred H. Quest for an American Sociology: Robert E. Park and the Chicago School. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1977.

Maxcy, Spencer J. Educational Leadership: A Critical Pragmatic Perspective. New York: Bergin and Garvey, 1991.

Mayer, Frederick.. A History of American Thought: An Introduction. Dubuque, Iowa. William C. Brown, 1951.

McCluskey, Neil Gerard. Public Schools and Moral Education: The Influence of Horace Mann, William Torrey Harris, and John Dewey. New York: Columbia University Press, 1958.

McDermott, John J. The Culture of Experience: Philosophical Essays in the American Grain. New York: New York University Press, 1976.

McDermott, John J. Streams of Experience: Reflections on the History and Philosophy of American Culture. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1986.

Mead, George Herbert. Selected Writings: George Herbert Mead. Edited by Andrew Reck. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1964. Reprinted, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.

Mead, George Herbert. The Individual and the Social Self: Unpublished Work of George Herbert Mead. Edited by David L. Miller. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.

Mead, George Herbert. The Social Psychology of George Herbert Mead, ed. Anselm L. Strauss. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956. Revised edn. published as George Herbert Mead on Social Psychology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1964.

Meilklejohn, Alexander. Education between Two Worlds. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1942. Contents: Contains "The pragmatic episode--a study of John Dewey" pp. 123-195.

Mellor, D. H., ed. Prospects for Pragmatism: Essays in memory of F. P. Ramsey. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

Melvil, Yuri K. Amerikanskii pragmatizm; lektsii, prochitannye na Filosofskom fakul'tete Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Moscow: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1957.

Melvil, Yuri K. Charlz Pirs i pragmatizm: u istokov amerikanskoi burzhuaznoi filosofii XX veka. Moscow: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1968.

Meyer, Adolphe E. John Dewey and Modern Education, and other Essays. New York: Avon Press, 1931.

Meyer, Samuel, ed. Dewey and Russell: An Exchange. New York: Philosophical Library, 1985.

Miller, David L. George Herbert Mead: Self, Language, and the World. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1973. Reprinted, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980.

Miller, Randolphe Crump. The American Spirit in Theology. Philadelphia: United Church Press, 1974.

Mills, C. Wright. Sociology and Pragmatism: The Higher Learning in America. New York: Paine-Whitman Publishers, 1964.

Mitchell, W. J. T., ed. Against Theory: Literary Theory and the New Pragmatism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985. Contents: Introduction: Pragmatic Theory Against Theory - Steven Knapp and Walter Benn Michaels. Revisionary Madness: The Prospects of American Literary Theory at the Present Time - Daniel T. O'Hara. Against Theory? - E. D. Hirsch, Jr. Toward Uncritical Practice - Jonathan Crewe. Truth or Consequences: On Being Against Theory - Steven Mailloux. Lost Authority: Non-sense, Skewed Meanings, and Intentionless Meanings - Hershel Parker. On the Theory of "Against Theory" - Adena Rosmarin. Intentionless Meaning - William C. Dowling. A Reply to Our Critics - Steven Knapp and Walter Benn Michaels. Consequences - Stanley Fish Philosophy without Principles - Richard Rorty. A Reply to Richard Rorty: What Is Pragmatism? - Steven Knapp and Walter Benn Michaels.

Mitrokhin, L. N. Kritery istiny v filosofii Pragmatizma. Moscow: 1960.

Moore, Edward C. American Pragmatism: Peirce, James and Dewey. New York: Columbia University Press 1961.

Moore, Edward C. William James. New York: Washington Square Press, 1965.

Moore, Edward C., Richard Robin, and Philip P. Wiener, ed. Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce, Second Series. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1964.

Morganbesser, Sidney, ed. Dewey and His Critics: Essays from the Journal of Philosophy. New York: Journal of Philosophy, 1977.

Morier, Claude. Charles Sanders Peirce et la semiotique. Neuchatel, Switz.: Universite de Neuchatel, 1971.

Morris, Charles W. Six Theories of Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1932. Reprinted, 1966.

Morris, Charles W. Logical Positivism, Pragmatism and Scientific Empiricism. Paris: Hermann et Cie., 1937. Reprinted, New York: AMS Press, 1979.

Morris, Charles W. Paths of Life: Preface to a World Religion. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1942.

Morris, Charles W. Signs, Language and Behavior. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1946. Reprinted, New York: George Braziller, 1955.

Morris, Charles W. The Open Self. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1948.

Morris, Charles W. Varieties of Human Value. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956. Reprinted, 1973.

Morris, Charles W. Signification and Significance: A Study of the Relations of Signs and Values. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1964.

Morris, Charles W. The Pragmatic Movement in American Philosophy. New York: George Braziller, 1970.

Morris, Charles W. Writings on the General Theory of Signs. Den Haag: Mouton,1971.

Morris, Lloyd R. William James: The Message of a Modern Mind. New York: Scribner, 1950.

Müller, Gustav E. Amerikanische Philosophie, 2nd edn. Stuttgart: F. Frommann, 1950.

Mulvaney, Robert J., and Philip M. Zeltner, ed. Pragmatism, its Sources and Prospects. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1981.

Murphey, Murray G. The Development of Peirce's Philosophy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1961. Reprinted, Indianapolis: Hackett, 1993.

Murphey, Murray G., and Ivar E. Berg, ed. Values and Value Theory in Twentieth-century America: Essays in honor of Elizabeth Flower. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988. Contents: The concept of value and its travels in twentieth-century America / Abraham Edel -- Whatever happened to pragmatism? / Robert Schwartz -- John Dewey and the Founding Fathers / R.W. Sleeper -- Dewey and the class struggle / Peter Manicas -- Dewey, inquiry, and problem-solving / Finbarr W. O'Connor -- The gamble for excellence: John Dewey's pedagogy of experience / John J. McDermott -- Thorstein Veblen: instinctive values and evolutionary science / Murray G. Murphey -- The 'two cultures" and the modern imagination / Leon Edel -- Truths of fiction: value as metaphor in modern literature / Chaim Potok -- Rationality, ritual, and relativism / Lawrence Foster -- A limited defense of the national interest / Robert L. Simon -- Teaching "ethics in business": leave it to Sisyphus / Ivar Berg -- Computers at school? / Israel Scheffler -- Dirty hands / Joseph Margolis.

Myers, Gerald E. William James: His Life and Thought. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1986.

Nagel, Ernst. Sovereign Reason. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1954.

Nakosteen, Mehdi Khan. A three-fold philosophy of education, an analysis and synthesis of realism, idealism and pragmatism. Denver, Col.: Mapes Publ., 1943.

Nathanson, Jerome. Forerunners of Freedom: The Re-creation of the American Spirit. Washington, D.C.: American Council on Public Affairs, 1941.

Nathanson, Jerome. John Dewey: The Reconstruction of the Democratic Life. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1951.

Nedeljkovic. Dusan. Pragmatizam i dijalektika. Belgrade: Kultura, 1960.

Nelson, Alvin F. Inquiry and Reality: A Discourse in Pragmatic Synthesis. Fort Worth: Texas Christian University Press, 1976.

Nelson, Charles H. John Elof Boodin: Philosopher-Poet. New York: Philosophical Library, 1987.

Nissen, Lowell. John Dewey's Theory of Inquiry and Truth. The Hague: Mouton, 1966.

Nieddu, Anna Maria. George Herbert Mead. Sassari, Italy: Gallizzi, 1978.

Noth, Winfried. Semiotik, eine Einfuhrung mit Beispielen fur Reklameanalysen. Tubingen, Germany: Niemeyer, 1975.

Novack, George Edward. Pragmatism versus Marxism: An Appraisal of John Dewey's Philosophy. New York: Pathfinder Press, 1975.

Novack, Michael, ed. American Philosophy and the Future: Essays for a New Generation. New York: Scribner's, 1968. Contents: To be human is to humanize; a radically empirical aesthetic, by J. J. McDermott.--Dream and nightmare; the future as revolution, by R. C. Pollock.--William James and metaphysical risk, by P. M. Van Buren.--Knowing as a passionate and personal quest; C. S. Peirce, by D. B. Burrell.--The fox alone is death; Whitehead and speculative philosophy, by A. J. Reck.--A man and a city; George Herbert Mead in Chicago, by R. M. Barry.--Royce; analyst of religion as community, by J. Collins.--Human experience and God; Brightman's personalistic theism, by D. Callahan.--William James and the phenomenology of religious experience, by J. M. Edie.--Pragmatism, religion, and experienceable difference, by R. W. Sleeper.--How is religious talk justifiable, by J. W. McClendon, Jr.

O'Connell, Robert J. William James on the Courage to Believe. New York: Fordham University Press, 1984. 2nd edn., 1997. Contents: Preface. Introduction. 1: The Argument of "The Will to Believe". 2: On Matter and Manner. 3: James and Pascal. 4: Is It "Wishful Thinking"?: Outcomes and Over-beliefs. 6: The Precursive Force of Over-beliefs. 7: The Strata of the Passional. 8: The Metaphors of Belief. Epilogue: On Becoming Humanly Wise. Appendix A: "The Will to Believe" and James's "Deontological Streak". Appendix B: Faith and Facts in James's "Will to Believe". Appendix C: James's Voluntarism: Readiness, Willingness, or Will to Believe?

Okrent, Mark: Heidegger's Pragmatism: Understanding, Being, and the Critique of Metaphysics. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1988.

Olivetti, Alessandra Greppi. Immagini della storia: dal pragmatismo americano alle filosofie analitiche. Milan, Italy: Angeli, 1984.

Oller, John W., ed. Language and Experience: Classic Pragmatism. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1989.

Orange, Donna M. Peirce's Conception of God: A Developmental Study. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism, 1984.

Otto, Max Carl. Science and the Moral Life: Selected Writings. New York: New American Library, 1949.

Otto, Max Carl, et al. In Honor of John Dewey on His Ninetieth Birthday. Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1951.

Pape, Helmut. Erfahrung und Wirklichkeit als Zeichenprozess: Charles S. Peirces Entwurf einer Spekulativen Grammatik des Seins. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1989.

Parkes, Henry Bamford. The Pragmatic Test: Essays on the History of Ideas. San Francisco: Colt Press, 1941.

Passmore, John. A Hundred Years of Philosophy. London: Duckworth, 1957. Revised edn., New York: Basic Books, 1966.

Peraldi, François. La sémiotique de C.S. Peirce: Au-delà de la sémiolinguistique. Paris: Larousse, 1980.

Perez de Tudela, Jorge. El pragmatismo americano: acción racional y reconstrucción del sentido. Madrid: Cincel, 1988. Reprinted, Madrid: Síntesis, 2007.

Perry, Raph B. The Thought and Character of William James, Briefer Version. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1948. Reprinted, New York: Harper and Row, 1964. Reprinted, Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1996.

Peterfreund, Sheldon P. An Introduction to American Philosophy. New York: Odyssey Press, 1959.

Peters, Richard Stanley, ed. John Dewey Reconsidered. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1977. Contents: Inquiry, thought and action: John Dewey's theory of knowledge / Anthony Quinton -- Language and experience / Jerome Bruner, Eileen Caudill and Anat Ninio -- Dewey's theory of interest / Alan R. White -- The self in action / Martin Hollis -- Democracy and education / Antony Flew -- John Dewey's philosophy of education / R.S. Peters.

Peterson, Forrest H. John Dewey's Reconstruction in Philosophy. New York: Philosophical Library, 1987.

Pfuetze, Paul E. The Social Self. New York: Bookman Associates, 1954. Reprinted as Self, Society, and Existence: Human Nature and Dialogue in the thought of George Herbert Mead and Martin Buber. New York: Harper, 1961.

Pharies, David A. Charles S. Peirce and the Linguistic Sign. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins, 1985.

Piane, Aristides L. delle. William James. Montevideo, Uruguay: A. Monteverde y Cia., 1943.

Potter, Vincent J. Charles S. Peirce on Norms and Ideals. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1967.

Potter, Vincent J., ed. Doctrine and Experience: Essays in American Philosophy. New York: Fordham University Press, 1988. Contents: Jonathan Edwards and the Great Awakening / John E. Smith -- Heart and head: the mind of Thomas Jefferson / Andrew J. Reck -- Emerson and America's future / Robert C. Pollock -- Chauncey Wright and the pragmatists / Edward H. Madden -- Charles S. Peirce: action through thought, the ethics of experience / Vincent G. Potter -- "Life is in the transitions": radical empiricism and contemporary concerns / John J. McDermott -- John Dewey and the metaphysics of American democracy / R.W. Sleeper -- Individuation and unification in Dewey and Sartre / Thelma Z. Lavine -- Josiah Royce: anticipator of European existentialism and phenomenology / Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley -- The transcendence of materialism and idealism in American thought / John Lachs -- C.I. Lewis and the pragmatic tradition in American philosophy / Sandra B. Rosenthal -- The social philosophy of George Herbert Mead / David L. Miller -- Existence as transaction: a Whiteheadian study of causality / Elizabeth M. Kraus.

Prado, C. G. The Limits of Pragmatism. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1987.

Prasad, Indra. Philosophy and Common Sense: A Study in the Philosophy of C. S. Peirce. New Delhi: S. Chand, 1983.

Putnam, Hilary. Mathematics, Matter and Method. Philosophical Papers, vol. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975. 2nd. ed., 1985.

Putnam, Hilary. Mind, Language and Reality. Philosophical Papers, vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1975.

Putnam, Hilary. Meaning and the Moral Sciences. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978.

Putnam, Hilary. Reason, Truth, and History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Putnam, Hilary. Realism and Reason. Philosophical Papers, vol. 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Putnam, Hilary. The Many Faces of Realism. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1987.

Putnam, Hilary. Representation and Reality. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1988.

Quine, W. V. Ontological Relativity and Other Essays. New York: Columbia University Press, 1969. Contents: Speaking of objects -- Ontological relativity -- Epistemology naturalized -- Natural kinds -- Propositional objects.

Quine, W. V., and J. S. Ullian. The Web of Belief. New York: Random House, 1970. 2nd edn., 1978.

Quine, W. V. The Roots of Reference. La Salle, Ill: Open Court, 1974.

Quine, W. V. Theories and Things. Cambridge, MA: Harvard, 1981. Contents: Things and their place in theories -- Empirical content -- What price bivalence? -- On the very idea of a third dogma -- Use and its place in meaning -- On the nature of moral values -- Five milestones of empiricism -- Russell's ontological development -- On Austin's method -- Smart's philosophy and scientific realism -- Goodman's ways of worldmaking -- On the individuation of attributes -- Intentions revisited -- Worlds Away -- Grades of discriminability -- Lewis Carroll's logic -- Kurt Godel -- Success and limits of mathematization -- On the limits of decision -- Predicates, terms, and classes -- Responses -- Postscript on metaphor -- Has philosophy lost contact with people? -- Paradoxes of plenty -- Times atlas -- Mencken's American language.

Randall, John Herman, Jr. Nature and Historical Experience: Essays in Naturalism and in the Theory of History. New York: Columbia University Press, 1958.

Randall, John Herman, Jr. How Philosophy Uses Its Past. New York: Columbia University Press, 1963.

Rao, K. Ramakrishna. Gandhi and Pragmatism: An Intercultural Study. Calcutta and Oxford: IBH Publ. Co., 1968.

Rapoport, Anatol. Operational Philosophy: Integrating Knowledge and Action. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1953.

Raposa, Michael L. Peirce's Philosophy of Religion. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.

Ratner, Joseph, ed. Intelligence in the Modern World: John Dewey's Philosophy. New York: Modern Library, 1939. Contents: Includes Ratner's book-length introduction, pp. 3-241.

Ratner, Sidney, ed. Vision & Action: Essays in honor of Horace M. Kallen on his 70th birthday. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1953. Contents: Academic freedom re-visited, by T. V. Smith.--Human rights under the United Nations Charter, by B. V. Cohen.--The absolute, the experimental method, and Horace Kallen, by P. H. Douglas.--Some tame reflections on some wild facts, by J. Frank.--Some central themes in Horace Kallen's philosophy, by S. Ratner.--Cultural relativism and standards, by G. Boas.--The philosophy of democracy as a philosophy of history, by S. Hook.--The rational imperatives, by C. I. Lewis.--From Poe to Valéry, by T. S. Eliot.--Events and the future, by J. Dewey.--Teleological explanation and teleological systems, by E. Nagel.--Ch'an (Zen) Buddhism in China, by Hu Shih.--Reconsideration of the origin and nature of perception, by A. Ames, Jr.--Horace M. Kallen: a bibliography (p. 275-277)

Ratner, Sidney, and Jules Altman, ed. John Dewey and Arthur F. Bentley: A Philosophical Correspondence, 1932-1951. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1964.

Reck, Andrew J. Recent American Philosophy: Studies of ten representative thinkers. New York, Pantheon Books, 1964. Contents: 1. The new realism of Ralph Barton Perry: The place of philosophy in life -- The new realism -- Philosophy of values -- Critique of civilization -- 2. The empirical idealism of William Ernest Hocking: Career as philosopher -- Theory of God -- Theory of man -- Theory of politics -- 3. The constructive pragmatism of George Herbert Mead: The meaning of pragmatism -- Theory of the act -- Theory of mind -- Theory of time -- Theory of reality -- 4. The cosmic philosophy of John Elof Boodin: The conception of philosophy -- Theory of knowledge -- Theory of reality -- Theory of the cosmos -- 5. The value-centric philosophy of Wilbur Marshall Urban: The crisis in values -- The general theory of value -- Revaluation in philosophy -- Concluding remarks -- 6. Dewitt H. Parker's metaphysics of values: Introduction -- The general theory of values -- Metaphysics of experience -- Conclusion -- 7. The critical realism of Roy Wood Sellars: Introduction -- Epistemology: critical realism -- Cosmology: evolutionary naturalism -- Ontology: materialism -- Social and religious philosophy: naturalistic humanism -- 8. The temporalistic realism of Arthur O. Lovejoy: Introduction -- Temporalism -- Realism as dualism -- History of ideas -- 9. The corporatism of Elijah Jordan: Social context of philosophy -- Philosophy of mind -- Corporate theory of individuality -- Legal philosophy -- Concluding remarks -- 10. The personalism of Edgar Sheffield Brightman: Personalistic conception of philosophy -- Realm of essences -- Realm of nature -- Realm of values -- Realm of persons -- The doctrine of God.

Reck, Andrew J., and Harold N. Lee, ed. Knowledge and Value: Essays in honor of Harold N. Lee. Tulane Studies in Philosophy, No. 21. New Orleans: Tulane University, 1972. Contents: Preface / A.J. Reck. -- Monism, logos, fire, and flux / S. Du Bose. -- Kant's theory of symbolism / J.D. Glenn, Jr. -- Dualisms in William James's Principles of Psychology / A.J. Reck. -- Charles Peirce and the firstness of process / S.B. Rosenthal. -- The meaning of sameness or family resemblance in the pragmatic tradition / D.L. Miller. -- Pragmatics and definite descriptions / J.A. Barker. -- Distinguishing presupposition in epistemology / D.S. Lee. -- Verification in metaphysics / P.M. Burkholder. -- Gentzen's cut elimination theorem for non-logicians / L. Miller. -- The aesthetics of Harold N. Lee: A reconsideration / L. Roberts. -- On the phenomenon of obligation / E.G. Ballard. -- Positivistic paths to value / R.C. Whittemore. -- Publications / Harold N. Lee.

Reilly, Francis E. Charles Peirce's Theory of Scientific Method. New York: Fordham University Press, 1970.

Rescher, Nicholas. Peirce's Philosophy of Science. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1978.

Riemer, Ines. Konzeption und Begründung der Induktion: eine Untersuchung zur Methodologie von Charles S. Peirce. Würzburg, Germany: Königshausen & Neumann, 1988.

Rivetti Barbo, Francesca. L'Antinomia del Mentitore da Peirce a Tarski. Milan, Italy: Vita e Pensiero, 1964.

Roback, Abraham Aaron. William James: His Marginalia, Personality, and Contribution. Cambridge, MA: Sci-Art Publishers, 1942.

Roback, Abraham Aaron. History of American Psychology. New York: Library Publishers, 1952.

Roberts, Don D. The Existential Graphs of Charles S. Peirce. The Hague: Mouton, 1973.

Robin, Richard S. Annotated Catalogue of the Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. Worcester, Mass.: University of Massachusetts Press, 1967.

Rockmore, Tom. Marxism and Alternatives: Towards the conceptual interaction among Soviet philosophy, neo-Thomism, Pragmatism, and Phenomenology. Dordrecht: D. Reidel; Boston: Kluwer, 1981.

Rorty, Amelie, ed. Pragmatic Philosophy: An Anthology. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1966.

Rorty, Richard. Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1979. Reprinted, Thirtieth Anniversary Edition, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2009.

Rorty, Richard. Consequences of Pragmatism: Essays, 1972-1980. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1982. Contents: Introduction: Pragmatism as philosophy (1982); The world well lost (1972); Keeping philosophy pure: an essay on Wittgenstein (1976); Overcoming the tradition: Heidegger and Dewey (1976); Professionalized philosophy and transcendentalist culture (1976); Dewey's metaphysics (1977); Philosophy as a kind of writing: an essay on Derrida (1978); Is there a problem about fictional discourse? (1983); Nineteenth-century idealism and twentieth-century textualism (1981); Pragmatism, relativism, and irrationalism (1980); Cavell on skepticism (1981); Method, social science, and social hope (1981); Philosophy in America today (1982).

Rorty, Richard. Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Contents: Preface; Introduction; The contingency of language (1986); The contingency of selfhood (1986); The contingency of a liberal community (1986); Private irony and liberal hope; Self-creation and affiliation: Proust, Nietzsche, and Heidegger; From ironist theory to private allusions: Derrida; The barber of Kasbeam: Nabokov on cruelty (1989); The last intellectual in Europe: Orwell on cruelty; Solidarity.

Rosen, Norma. John and Anzia: An American Romance. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1989.

Rosensohn, William L. The Phenomenology of Charles S. Peirce: From the doctrine of categories to phaneroscopy. Amsterdam: Gruner, 1974.

Rosenstock, Gershon George. F. A. Trendelenburg, forerunner to John Dewey. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1964.

Rosenthal, Sandra B. The Pragmatic A Priori: A Study in the Epistemology of C. I. Lewis. St. Louis: Warren H. Green, 1976.

Rosenthal, Sandra B., and Patrick L. Bourgeois. Pragmatism and Phenomenology: A Philosophic Encounter. Amsterdam: Gruner, 1980.

Rosenthal, Sandra. Speculative Pragmatism. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1986. Contents: Introduction. 1. Scientific Method and the Structure of Speculative Pragmatism. 2. Activity and the Structure of Meaning. 3. Meaning and the Structure of Verification. 4. Foundational Experience: Epistemic Unity and Ontological Presence. 5. From Pragmatic Meaning to Process Metaphysics. 6. Processive Concreteness and Ontological Activity. 7. Worldly Encounter, Perspectival Pluralism, and Pragmatic Community. 8. The Value Dimension. 9. The Nature of Speculative Pragmatism.

Roth, Robert J. John Dewey and Self-realization. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1962.

Roth, Robert J. American Religious Philosophy. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1967. Contents: American religion and naturalistic philosophy -- William James and the God of pragmatism -- Charles Sanders Peirce: man of science and religion -- John Dewey and religious experience -- Alfred North Whitehead and the God of process -- Josiah Royce and salvation philosophy -- Experience and religious philosophy.

Royce, Josiah. Logical Essays, ed. D. S. Robinson. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown, 1951.

Rucker, Darnell. The Chicago Pragmatists. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969.

Rugg, Harold. Foundations for American Education. New York: World Book Co., 1947.

Russett, Cynthia Eagle. Darwin in America: The Intellectual Response, 1865-1912. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1976.

Safford, John Lugton. Pragmatism and the Progressive Movement in the United States: The Origin of the New Social Sciences. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1987.

Salanitro, Niccolo. Peirce e i problemi dell'interpretazione. Rome: Silva, 1969.

Santucci, Antonio. Il pragmatismo in Italia. Bologne, Italy: Mulino, 1963.

Sathaye, S. G. Instrumentalism: A Methodological Exposition of the Philosophy of John Dewey. Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 1972.

Savan, David. An Introduction to C. S. Peirce's Full System of Semiotic. Toronto Semiotic Circle Monographs No. 1. Toronto: Toronto Semiotic Circle, 1989.

Scheffler, Israel. The Anatomy of Inquiry: Philosophical Studies in the Theory of Science. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1963. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1964.

Scheffler, Israel. Four Pragmatists: A Critical Introduction to Peirce, James, Mead, and Dewey. New York: Humanities Press; London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974.

Scherer, Bernd Michael. Prolegomena zu einer einheitlichen Zeichentheorie: Ch. S. Peirces Einbettung der Semiotik in die Pragmatik. Tubingen, Germany: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1984.

Schiller, F. C. S. Humanistic Pragmatism: The Philosophy of F. C. S. Schiller, ed. Reuben Abel. New York: The Free Press; London: Collier-Macmillan, 1966.

Schilpp, Paul A., ed. The Philosophy of C. I. Lewis. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1968. Contents: Autobiography / C.I. Lewis -- Lewis' Conception of Philosophy / Victor Lowe -- Lewis on Meaning and Verification / Paul Henle -- Lewis and the History of Symbolic Logic / Karl Durr -- The Logic of C.I. Lewis / William Tuthill Parry -- Lewis' Theory of the A Priori / Asher Moore -- Lewis' Theory of Facts / Charles A. Baylis -- Lewis' Ethics of Belief / Roderick M. Chisholm -- Lewis' Theory of Analytic Statements / Bernard Peach -- The Kantianism of Lewis / Lewis White Beck -- In Defense of 'Metaphysical Veracity' / Roy Wood Sellars -- Lewis' Relation to Logical Empiricism / William H. Hay -- Lewis on the Given / Roderick Firth -- Lewis on Contrary-to-Fact Conditionals / Arthur Pap -- C.I. Lewis and the Inconsistent Triad of Modern Empiricism / E.M. Adams -- Lewis' Treatment of Memory / Charles Hartshorne -- The Pragmatic-Humean Theory of Probability and Lewis' Theory / Arthur W. Burks -- A Dispositional Interpretation of Criteria in Mind / C. Douglas McGee -- Lewis' Theory of Value / Stephen C. Pepper -- Human Nature in Lewis' Theory of Value / Robert W. Browning -- C.I. Lewis on Esthetic Experience and Esthetic Value / D.W. Gotshakl -- Lewis as Moral Philosopher / Mary Mothersill -- C.I. Lewis on the Relation Between the Good and the Right / A.C. Ewing -- Lewis on the Morally Imperative / William R. Dennes -- Terminating Judgments or Terminal Propositions? / Karl H. Potter -- Replies to My Critics / C.I. Lewis. Bibliography of the writings of C. I. Lewis.

Schillp, Paul A., ed. The Philosophy of W. V. Quine. La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1986. Expanded edition, La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1998.

Schmidt, Hermann. Der Begriff der Erfahrungskontinuität bei William James und seine Bedeutung für den amerikanischen Pragmatismus. Heidelberg, Germany: C. Winter, 1959.

Schmitz, Egídio Francisco. O pragmatismo de Dewey na educação: esboço de uma filosofia da educação. Rio de Janeiro: Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora, 1980.

Schneider, Herbert W. A History of American Philosophy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. 2nd edn., Columbia University Press, 1963.

Schneider, Herbert W. Ways of Being: Elements of Analytic Ontology. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962. Reprinted, New York: Greenwood Press, 1974.

Schneider, Herbert W. Sources of Contemporary Philosophical Realism in America. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1964.

Schneider, Herbert W. A History of American Philosophy. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946. 2nd edn., Columbia University Press, 1963.

Schneider, Herbert W., and Brand Blanshard, eds. In Commemoration of William James, 1842-1942. New York: Columbia University Press, 1942. Contents: Part I. Papers presented at the Conference on methods in philosophy and the sciences, New school for social research, New York city, November 23, 1941: Remarks on the occasion of the centenary of William James, by Henry James. Remembering William James, by H. M. Kallen. A debt to James, by D. S. Miller. William James as psychologist, by E. B. Holt. William James as empiricist, by John Dewey. Two questions raised by "The moral equivalent of war," by J. S. Bixler. Part  II. Papers presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern division, American Philosophical Association, Vassar College.

Searles, Herbert L. and Allan Shields. A Bibliography of the Works of F. C. S. Schiller. San Diego: San Diego State College Press, 1969.

Sebeok, Thomas A. Perspectives in Zoosemiotics. The Hague: Mouton, 1972.

Sebeok, Thomas A. Sight, Sound, and Sense. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1978.

Sebeok, Thomas A., and Umberto Eco. The Sign of Three: Dupin, Holmes, Peirce. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983.

Sebiok, Thomas A., and Donna Jean Umiker-Sebeok. The Semiotic Sphere. New York: Plenum Press, 1986.

Shahan, Robert W., and Kenneth R. Merrill, ed. American Philosophy from Edwards to Quine. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1977.

Shapiro, Michael. The Sense of Grammar: Language as Semeiotic. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983.

Sheldon, Wilmon Henry. America's Progressive Philosophy. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1942.

Sheriff, John K. The Fate of Meaning: Charles Peirce, Structuralism, and Literature. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1989.

Sidorov, I. N. Filosofiya Deistviya v SShA: Ot Emersona do D'yui. (The Philosophy of Action in the USA: From Emerson to Dewey). Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo Universitat, 1989.

Singer, Edgar A., Jr. Experience and Reflection, ed. C. West Churchman. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1959.

Singer, Marcus G., ed. American Philosophy. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1985. Contents: The Context of American Philosophy / Marcus G. Singer -- Charles Sanders Peirce 1839-1914 / Vincent G. Potter -- William James 1842-1910 / Peter Jones -- John Dewey 1859-1952 / H. S. Thayer -- George Herbert Mead: Philosophy and the Pragmatic Self / James Campbell -- George Santayana / T. L. S. Sprigge -- Emerson and the Virtues / Ellen Kappy Suckiel -- Josiah Royce's Philosophy of the Community: Danger of the Detached Individual / John J. McDermott -- Does American Philosophy Rest on a Mistake? / Bruce Kuklick-- Jonathan Edwards / Hans Oberdiek -- C. I. Lewis / Susan Haack -- The Moral Individualism of Henry David Thoreau / David L. Norton -- American Legal Philosophy / Richard Tur -- The Philosophical Background of the American Constitution(s) / Andrew J. Reck -- Two American Philosophers: Morris Cohen and Arthur Murphy / Marcus G. Singer -- Bibliography and Postscript -- Chronology.

Sini, Carlo. Il Pragmatismo americano. Bari, Italy: Laterza, 1972.

Skagestad, Peter. The Road of Inquiry: Charles Peirce's Pragmatic Realism. New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Contents: Introduction. 1. Outline of Peirce's Theory of Inquiry. 2. Peirce's Early Realism. 3. Pragmatism as a Criterion of Meaninng. 4. Peirce's Pragmatic Realism. 5. Convergence and Its Conditions. 6. Science, Belief, and Non-scientific Knowledge. Bibliography.

Sleeper, Ralph W. The Necessity of Pragmatism: John Dewey's Conception of Philosophy. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1986. Reprinted, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001. Contents: 1. On interpreting Dewey -- 2. The conception of a philosophy -- 3. The logic of experience -- 4. Dewey's Aristotelian turn -- 5. Existence as problematic -- 6. The language of logic and truth -- 7. The theory of intelligent behavior -- 8. Meliorism and transformational.

Smith, Joan K. Ella Flagg Young: Portrait of a Leader. Ames: Educational Studies Press and the Iowa State University Research Foundation, 1979.

Smith, John E. The Spirit of American Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1963. Contents: Charles S. Peirce: meaning, belief, and love in an evolving universe -- William James: purpose, effort, and the will to believe -- Josiah Royce: the eternal, the practical, and the beloved community -- John Dewey: experience, experiment, and the method of intelligence -- Alfred North Whitehead: speculative thinking, science, and education -- Retrospect and prospect.

Smith, John E. Themes in American Philosophy: Purpose, Experience, and Community. New York: Harper and Row, 1970. Contents: Purpose in American philosophy -- Radical empiricism -- Three types and two dogmas of empiricism -- William James as philosophical psychologist -- Charles S. Peirce: community and reality -- The contemporary significance of Royce's theory of the self -- The course of American philosophy -- The philosophy of religion in America.

Smith, John E., ed. "Pragmatism Reconsidered." Special issue of articles about pragmatism. The Monist v.57 no. 2 (April 1973).

Smith, John E. Purpose and Thought: The Meaning of Pragmatism. New Haven, Conn. Yale University Press, 1978. Reprinted, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984. Contents: Introduction. 1. The pragmatic approach to meaning, belief and action: basic conceptions. 2. The theory of truth: basic conceptions. 3. The new conception of experience.4. Inquiry, science and control. 5. Pragmatism and metaphysics. 6. Pragmatism and religion. Appendix: Note on the origins of Pragmatism.

Smith, Joseph H., and William Kerrigan, ed. Pragmatism's Freud: The Moral Disposition of Psychoanalysis. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986. Contents: Freud and moral reflection / Richard Rorty -- Self-realization and solidarity: Rorty and the judging self / Richard H. King -- Primitive guild / Joseph H. Smith -- Identification and catharsis / James W. Earl -- Moral perils of intimacy / Annette Baier -- Politics of ethics: Freud and Rome / David Damrosch -- Love and fame: the Petrarchan career / Gordon Braden -- What Freud forgot: a parable for intellectuals / William Kerrigan.

Smith, Thomas V. The Philosophic Way of Life in America. 2nd edn. New York: F. S. Crofts, 1943.

Smith, William A. John Dewey: On His Writings and Ideas. New York: Barrister Publishing, 1966.

Somjee, Abdulkarim H. The Political Theory of John Dewey. New York: Teachers College Press, 1968.

Spendone-Mentzou, Demetra. O dynamikos charakteras tes pragmatistikes theorias toy noematos toy Charles S. Peirce. (The dynamic character of Charles S. Peirce's pragmatic theory of meaning, in Greek.) Athens, Greece: Kentroy Ereynes tes Ellenikes Philosophias tes Akademias Athenon, 1982.

Spitz, David. Alice Chipman Dewey. Denton: Texas Woman's University, 1983.

Sprigge, T. L. S. Santayana: An Examination of His Philosophy. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1974.

Steel, Ronald. Walter Lippmann and the American Century. Boston: Little. Brown, 1980.

Stroh, Guy. American Philosophy from Edwards to Dewey. Princeton, N.J.: D. Van Nostrand, 1968.

Strout, Cushing. The Pragmatic Revolt in American History: Carl Becker and Charles Beard. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1958.

Suckiel, Ellen Kappy. The Pragmatic Philosophy of William James. Notre Dame, Ind. University of Notre Dame Press, 1982.

Sumner, L W, John G. Slater, and Fred Wilson, ed. Pragmatism and Purpose: Essays presented to Thomas A. Goudge. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1980. Contents: Pt. 1. Savan, D. The unity of Peirce's thought.--Burbidge, J. W. Peirce on historical explanation.--Fisch, M. H. The "proof" of pragmatism.--Herzberger, H. G. Peirce's remarkable theorem.--Madden, E. H. Scientific inference.--Roberts, D. D. The labeling problem.--Schouls, P. A. Peirce and Descartes.--Sprigge, T. L. S. James, Santayana, Tarski, and pragmatism.--Thayer, H. S. Peirce on truth.--Thompson, M. Peirce's conception of aindividual.--Pt. 2. Wilson, F. Goudge's contribution to philosophy of science.--Hull, D. L. Historical narratives and integrating explanations.--McRae, R. Life, vis inertiae, and the mechanical philosophy.--Puccetti, R. The ascent oconsciousness.--Rosenberg, A. The interaction of evolutionary and genetic theory.--Ruse, M. Philosophical aspects of the Darwinian revolution.--Stroud, B. Evolution and the necessities of thought.--Thagard, P. R. The autonomy of logic of discovery.--Tully, R. E. Emergence revisited.--Williams, M. B. Is biology a different type of science?

Taylor, Richard Wirth, ed. Life, Language, Law: Essays in honor of Arthur F. Bentley. Yellow Springs, Ohio: Antioch Press, 1957. Contents: Life, Language, Law / Richard Taylor -- A. F. Bentley's Inquiries into the Behavioral Sciences and the Theory of Scientific Inquiry / Sidney Ratner -- General System Theory / Ludwig von Bertalanffy -- The Coming Revolution in Economic Thought / Bertram Gross -- Some Characteristics of Visual Perception / Adelbert Ames Jr. -- The Group in Political Science / Charles Hagan -- Error, Quantum Theory, and the Observer / P. W. Bridgman -- The Quest for "Being" / Sidney Hook -- The Illusion of Rationality / Don Calhoun -- Conflicting Orientation in Law and National Policy / George Lundberg -- Human Rights: An Appeal to Philosophers / Felix Cohen -- Epilogue / Arthur Bentley.

Tejera, Victorino. Art and Human Intelligence. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1965.

Tejera, Victorino. Semiotics from Peirce to Barthes: a conceptual introduction to the study of communication, interpretation, and expression. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1988.

Tejera, Victorino. History as a Human Science: The Conception of History in some Classic American Philosophers. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1984.

Thayer, H. Standish. The Logic of Pragmatism: An Examination of John Dewey's Logic. New York: Humanities Press, 1952.

Thayer, H. Standish. Meaning and Action: A Critical History of Pragmatism. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1968. 2nd edn., Indianapolis: Hackett, 1981. An abridged version was published as Meaning and Action: A Study of American Pragmatism (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1973).

Thayer, H. Standish, ed. Pragmatism: The Classic Writings. New York: New American Library, 1970. Reprinted, Indianapolis: Hackett, 1997.

Thompson, Manley H. The Pragmatic Philosophy of C. S. Peirce. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953.

Tiles, J. E. Dewey. London and New York: Routledge, 1988. Contents: Legacies -- Sensation, emotion and reflex action -- The emergence of mind and qualities -- Language and self -- Truth and inquiry -- Dewey and the realists -- Objectivity, value and motivation -- Art, intelligence and contemplation -- Ideals.

Tilman, Rick. C. Wright Mills: A Native Radical and His American Intellectual Roots. University Park: Pennsylvania State University, 1984.

Tordera, Antonio. Hacia una semiótica pragmática: el signo en Ch. S. Peirce. Valencia, Spain: F. Torres, 1978.

Toroldo di Francia, Mónica. Pragmatismo e Disarmonie Sociali: il pensiero di Mario Calderoni. Milan, Italy: Angeli, 1983.

Turley, Peter T. Peirce's Cosmology. New York: Philosophical Library, 1977.

Tursman, Richard A., ed. Studies in philosophy and in the history of science: essays in honor of Max Fisch. Lawrence, Kan.: Coronado Press, 1970.

Tursman, Richard A. Peirce's Theory of Scientific Discovery: A System of Logic Conceived as Semiotic. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987.

Van Wesep, Hendrikus Boeve. Seven Sages: The Story of American Philosophy, Franklin, Dewey, Emerson, Santayana, James, Peirce, Whitehead. New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1960.

Vasil, Dean. The Ethical Pragmatism of Albert Camus: two studies in the history of ideas. New York: Peter Lang, 1985.

Wallace, James D. Moral Relevance and Moral Conflict. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1988.

Walther, Elisabeth. Charles Sanders Peirce. Leben und Werk. Baden-Baden, Germany: Agis-Verlag, 1989.

Walton, Douglas N. Informal logic: a pragmatic approach, 2nd edn (1st edn 1989). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

Wartenburg, Gerd. Logischer Sozialismus die Transformation der Kantschen Transzendentalphilosophie durch Ch. S. Peirce. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1971.

Webb, Rodman B. The Presence of the Past: John Dewey and Alfred Schutz on the Genesis and Organization of Experience. Gainesville: University of Presses of Florida, 1976.

Weinstein, Michael A. The Wilderness and the City: American Classical Philosophy as a Moral Quest. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1982.

Wells, Harry Kohlsaat. Pragmatism, Philosophy of Imperialism. London: Lawrence & Wishart; New York: International Publishers, 1954. Reprinted, Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1971.

Wennerberg, Hjalmar. The Pragmatism of C. S. Peirce: An Introductory Study. Lund, Sweden: C.W.K. Gleerup, 1962.

Werkmeister, William H. A History of Philosophical Ideas in America. New York: Ronald Press, 1949. Reprinted, Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981.

West, Cornel. The American Evasion of Philosophy: A Genealogy of Pragmatism. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989.

White, Morton G. The Origin of Dewey's Instrumentalism. New York: Columbia University Press, 1943.

White, Morton G. Toward Reunion in Philosophy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1956.

White, Morton G. Foundations of Historical Knowledge. New York: Harper and Row, 1965.

White, Morton G. Science and Sentiment in America: Philosophical Thought from Jonathan Edwards to John Dewey. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. Contents: Prologue: Philosophy, Science, and Civilization. 1: The Legacy of Locke: Intuition Versus Enthusiasm. 2: Jonathan Edwards: The Doctrine of Necessity and the Sense of the Heart. 3: "We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident". 4: Transcendentalism: "Hallelujah to the Reason Forevermore". 5: Ralph Waldo Emerson: Overseer of the Oversoul. 6: Chauncey Wright: Empiricist Philosopher of Evolutionary Science. 7: Charles Peirce: Pragmatist and Metaphysician. 8: William James: Pragmatism and the Whole Man. 9: Josiah Royce: Science, Christianity, and Absolute Idealism. 10: George Santayana: Sage of Materialism. 11: John Dewey: Rebel Against Dualism.

White, Morton G. Pragmatism and the American Mind: Essays and Reviews in Philosophy and Intellectual History. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1973.Contents: 1. Coherence and correspondence in American thought. 2. The philosopher and the metropolis in America. 3. Two studies of William James: some problems of philosophical biography. 4. The revolt against formalism in American social thought of the twentieth century. 5. A note in defense of historicism. 6. Anti-intellectualism in America. 7. Pragmatism and the scope of science. 8. Logical positivism and the pragmatism of William James. 9. The analytic and the synthetic: an untenable dualism. 10. Experiment and necessity in Dewey's philosophy. 11. Value and obligation in Dewey and Lewis. 12. New horizons in philosophy. 13. Darwin, Marx, and materialism. 14. Social Darwinism and Dewey's pragmatism. 15. E. H. Carr on the nature of history. 16. Richard Hofstadter on the progressive historians. 17. Edgar Z. Friedenberg's philosophy of education. 18. The university in transition. 19. Reinhold Niebuhr on the irony of American history. 20. Advocacy and objectivity in religious education. 21. Jacques Maritain: philosopher in the service of his church. 22. The open mind of Robert Oppenheimer. 23. John Dewey: a great philosopher of education. 24. A tribute to Harry Austryn Wolfson. 25. The later years of George Santayana. 26. Memories of G. E. Moore.

Whittemore, Robert C., ed. Dewey and His Influence: Essays in honor of George Estes Barton. Tulane Studies in Philosophy, No. 21. New Orleans: Tulane University, 1973. Content:  The very idea of a university / Harold Alderman -- The argument laughs at Socrates and Protagoras / Shannon DuBose -- Dewey and dialectic / Francis E. George -- Experience as revelatory of nature in Dewey's metaphysical methodology / John G. Jardine -- Mead on the self and moral situations / Jon S. Moran -- Epistemology in William James's 'Principles of psychology' / Andrew J. Reck George Barton and the art of teaching / Louise N. Roberts -- Dewey's transition piece: the 'Reflex arc' paper / Allen K. Smith.

Wiener, Philip P. Evolution and the Founders of Pragmatism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1949.

Wiener, Philip P., and Frederic H. Young, ed. Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1952.

Wild, John. The Radical Empiricism of William James. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday and Co., 1969.

Williams, Robert Bruce. John Dewey: Recollections. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1982.

Wilshire, Bruce. William James and Phenomenology: A Study of the Principles of Psychology. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1968.

Winetrout, Kenneth. F. C. S. Schiller and the Dimensions of Pragmatism. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1967.

Winn, Ralph B., ed. American Philosophy. New York: Philosophical Library, 1955.

Wirth, Arthur G. John Dewey as Educator: His Design for Work in Education (1894-1904). New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1966.

Wohlengelernter, Maurice, ed. History, Religion, and Spiritual Democracy: Essays in honor of Joseph L. Blau. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980.

Yulina, Nina Stepanova. Problema metafiziki v amerikanskoy filosofii XX veka. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", 1978.

Zeltner, Philip M. John Dewey's Aesthetic Philosophy. Amsterdam: B. R. Gruner, 1975.

Zemi, Silvio. Il pragmatismo americano: Peirce, James, Dewey. Asti, Italy: P. Monticone, 1957.

Zivotic, Miladin. Pragmatizam i savremena filozofija. Belgrade: Nolit, 1966.